xml api Sniper: Reloaded 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Running Time Writer and More | World Movie Info

Sniper: Reloaded 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Running Time Writer and More

Name of The Movie : Sniper: Reloaded
Genre(s) : Action, Drama, Thriller
Directed by : Claudio Fäh
Starring : Clyde Berning, Chad Michael Collins, Hlomla Dandala and more
Releasing Date : 26th April 2011, In USA
Running Time : 91 Minute
Written by : John Fasano, Ross Helford
Producer(s) : Claudio Fäh, David Wicht
Distributor(s): Stage 6 Films, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Music by : David Safritz & Marcus Trampp
Language : English
Country : US

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