xml api Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Rise of the Apes) 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Distributor Writer Poster and More | World Movie Info

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Rise of the Apes) 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Distributor Writer Poster and More

Name of The Movie : Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Rise of the Apes)
Genre(s) : Action, Drama, Science Fiction
Directed by : Rupert Wyatt
Starring : James Franco, Andy Serkis, Freida Pinto and more
Releasing Date : 5th August 2011, In USA
Distributor : 20th Century Fox
Written by : Pierre Boulle, Rick Jaffa
Music by : Patrick Doyle
Studio : Chernin Entertainment
Producer(s) : Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa, Peter Chernin, Dylan Clark
Country : US
Language : English
Budget In US $ : 90 Million

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