xml api The Help 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Writer Distributor etc | World Movie Info

The Help 2011 Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Writer Distributor etc

Name of The Movie : The Help
Genre(s) : Drama
Directed by : Tate Taylor
Starring : Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and more
Releasing Date : 12th August 2011, In USA
Distributor(s) : Touchstone Pictures for United States / France, Paramount Vantage for International, Optimum Releasing for United Kingdom
Written by : Tate Taylor, Kathryn Stockett
Producer(s) : Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan, Michael Radcliffe
Music by : Thomas Newman
Language : English
The Storyline of The Movie "The Help" Is Taken from The Novel "The Help (2009)" Written by Kathryn Stockett's

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