xml api Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin) Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Writer Poster etc. | World Movie Info

Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin) Movie Information with Genre Director Starring Releasing Date Writer Poster etc.

Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin) Movie Poster
Name of The Movie : Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin)
Genre(s) : Action, Adventure
Directed by : Zübeyr Sasmaz
Starring : Necati Sasmaz, Erdal Besikçioglu, Nur Aysan and more
Releasing Date : 27th January 2011, In Germany
Music by : Gökhan Kırdar
Written by : Raci Sasmaz, Bahadir Özdener
Country : Turkey
Language : Turkish, Hebrew and Arabic (occasionally used)

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